man system_profiler

SYSTEM_PROFILER(8)          System Manager's Manual         SYSTEM_PROFILER(8)

     system_profiler – reports system hardware and software configuration.

     system_profiler [-usage]
     system_profiler [-listDataTypes]
     system_profiler [-xml] dataType1 ... dataTypeN
     system_profiler [-xml] [-detailLevel level]
     system_profiler [-json] dataType1 ... dataTypeN
     system_profiler [-json] [-detailLevel level]

     system_profiler reports on the hardware and software configuration of the
     system.  It can generate plain text reports or XML reports which can be
     opened with System, or JSON reports

     Progress and error messages are printed to stderr while actual report
     data is printed to stdout.  Redirect stderr to /dev/null to suppress
     progress and error messages.

     The following options are available:

     -xml                Generates a report in XML format.  If the XML report
                         is redirected to a file with a ".spx" suffix that
                         file can be opened with System

     -json               Generates a report in JSON format.

     -listDataTypes      Lists the available datatypes.

     -detailLevel level  Specifies the level of detail for the report:

                         mini          report with no personal information

                         basic         basic hardware and network information

                         full          all available information

     -timeout            Specifies the maximum time to wait in seconds for
                         results.  If some information is not available within
                         the specified time limit then an incomplete or
                         partial report will be generated.  The default
                         timeout is 180 seconds.  Specifying a timeout of 0
                         means no timeout.

     -usage              Prints usage info and examples.

       Generates a text report with the standard detail level.

     system_profiler -detailLevel mini
       Generates a short report containing no personal information.

     system_profiler -listDataTypes
       Shows a list of the available data types.

     system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPNetworkDataType
       Generates a text report containing only software and network data.

     system_profiler -xml > MyReport.spx
       Creates a XML file which can be opened by System

     Apple Inc.

Darwin                           June 30, 2003                          Darwin